Friday, January 1, 2010

Slight Hiatus

Ok, everyone!
Yes, I am BACK! What happened was my beloved HP Laptop Entertainment PC had failed me by crashing tragically one sunny afternoon in Dallas, TX. NOT TO FEAR! It has been brought back to life by my smart, witty tech-savvy neighbor, Jason. Thank you very much J-Coz!
For the new year of 2010 I have decided to do a couple of things.
1)Project 365: Snapping a picture of an object or person 365 days out of the 2010 year. (meaning, everyday for those of us who didn't pay attention in elementary school)
It doesn't end there- I am also adding a description of what the picture entailed in that specific day.
I will be doing this task on blogspot so come back everyday!
2)Starting the Daniel Fast alongside of my cousin, Nikki. You can learn more about it here: I am actually allowing chicken due to the excessive drum playing I do while at school, I rather not pass out. Or come close...again. SO! We are doing that as a precautionary measure.
3)I will be journaling, somewhat here for you guys to read and give your opinion on and to know what's going on in my life so you can also learn as I am learning.
4)I will be reading the "One Year Bible" brings you through the bible in one year, like is says. It was given to me by my parents and I'm pretty stoked about it. If you don't have one of these bibles and like to read the bible here's a tip I learned from the founder of my school. Read 3 chapters (M-S) and 5 on Sunday! Simple as that.

So, you are caught up with what I am doing right now!
Keep comin' back for mo'

I'll be here.


I got someone to love me.
For who I am.

Here are some pictures from Christmas Break 2009


nik said...

hahaha looks like greg had a some drinky drink in those pics

Unknown said...
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Eric R. said...

Julie, i love reading your blog, I'll def be back for that 365 it sounds pretty cool. i think i might try it .. lol about the daniel fast .. my friends & i are actually going to do it so yeah coolio! God Bless & take care